It is a false choice to say this is about money or lives. I never ever said money is more important than lives. That is a disgusting accusation, and very insulting implying that somehow anyone who has the view that the lockdown was a mistake is somehow immoral. I was totally against lockdowns from the start precisely because lockdowns are much more deadly than the virus. Lockdowns were totally ineffective and unnecessary. There is no scientific evidence that lockdowns stopped a single infection, it is just some propaganda we are told by the media and the politicians.
Firstly, the FACTS are that the lockdown came too late here in Oz to be effective. The scientific evidence proves the virus was already here since last Nov, and the lockdown came in March when the virus was already spread among the population, so it was too late to have an effect. Moreover, the vast majority of people who get CV have zero symptoms, and the virus has a 98-99% recovery rate. So many people already had CV before the lockdowns without knowing they were infected and then they became immune also without knowing that too.
Secondly, there was no reason to isolate the healthy people, we should have just isolated the vulnerable. All lockdowns did was destroy economies, they did nothing to stop the spread of the virus. Just look around. States in America that were open did not have any higher infections rates than states that locked down. In fact, the economic lockdowns actually kill more people than the virus as evidenced by FACTS like the dramatically horrifying rise in suicides due to the economic devastation, due to people being too afraid to go out to clinics and hospitals for medical care and tests rising the rate of deaths due to other diseases, such as cancer and heart attacks, etc. The lockdowns killed and will kill more people than the virus.
The initial predictions from the 'experts' were that millions would die from CV. Actually, 450,000 have died from CV. The predictions were way off, and governments based their panicky decisions based on grossly overestimated numbers by Neil Ferguson that were completely debunked, and the governments have never corrected their mistakes. This over reaction was emotion based.
Why are people being made to wear masks, gloves, and take the their temperature when there is no medical evidence to warrant these measures? Why are governments basing policies on emotions and not FACTS?
Furthermore, the lockdown perpetuates this crisis far into the future whereas, if we had not locked down and allowed for herd immunity to take over, we would be just about finished with the virus by now. As it is the virus is still among the population because we did not allow herd immunity to make it dormant. We would also not be facing an economic crash that will have devastating effects for many years to come.
I did hours and hours of research on this from sources worldwide. More and more people are realising how devastating the lockdowns are, that the 'cure' was far worse than the disease, and was the greatest blunder and folly in all of modern history. So before any of you virtue signalers get on your high horse with self righteous accusations that people who are against lockdowns care more about money than lives, do some research and look at facts instead of emotions and the fear mongering from the media.