Friday, July 5, 2024

Vice President Harris's first Pre-Presidential Briefing, by Shoshanna Silcove


'Madame Vice President, are you ready to become President?" asks the Biden Shadow government (BSG)
"Yes, I am ready!" answers VP Kamala Harris.
" Are you sure Madame?"
"Absolutely, 100% sure!" the VP asserts.
'Well then, there are a few things you need to understand about what being President of the Unites States entails."
"Alright, I am listening," the VP perks up.
'First of all, you know, all those lefties in your constituency that you surround yourself with? You know, the far left sexually undefined folks, the pro Hamas folks, , the BLM folks, the radical feminists, communists, and so on, you know all your supporters? Forget about them. You must cut off all ties to all of them from your past and your present!" the BSG waits for her reply.

" I understand” the VP squirms, “but can I know why?"

BSG furrows his eyebrows and frowns,

"Because Madame Vice President, you are no longer the representative of a select left wing group but, as President you are a representative of all the citizens of the United States of America. That includes all those people you despise, like the Trump supporters, conservatives, people who follow the Judeo-Christian religions, Elon Musk, alternative social media types, middle Americans, the working class, straight white men, traditional housewives, and of course Jews. "

The VP gulps hard, "Ok, what else?"
'Well Madame Vice President, you will not be able to use a cell phone anymore, or email, for security reasons. You will no longer be able to leave the White House except for official visits, and oh Madame President, you must be available 24/7 to take phone calls from world leaders"
"Can I take any time off for myself?" the VP asks demurely.
"No Madame Vice President. Not unless you go to an official US government location such as Camp David, and even then you must be on call in case of national or worldwide emergencies, like kidnapping of Americans, plane crashes, environmental tragedies such as mass fires, riots, various unrest around the world, and of course wars, especially nuclear ones, Ma’am. I probably left some out.  Oh, and you will only have very limited time for relaxation as you will be burdened with constant work."
'Oh", the VP looks down at her shoes.
"Madame Vice President? Are you with me?" BSG says with a slightly raised voice.
'Oh yes of course," the VP says as she raises her head.
"And for now, for your very first pre-Presidential briefing, there is one last thing Madame Vice President. You will feel the burden of the world on your shoulders to an excruciating level. How do you deal with stress?"
" I guess I do ok with stress. Do I get to invite friends on Air Force One for private parties?" she asks
"Oh no ma'am, " the BSG shakes his head vigorously, ”In fact, I am glad you mentioned that Madame VP,  you know that dancing and joking around you did as VP in front of the media? That is over! Done! You can never ever do that again!"
The VP lets out a sigh.
"Madame VP President, for example, you will be told, ‘Madame President, President Putin, or Bibi Netanyahu are on the phone’, and you had better be ready take the call Madame, especially since President Biden avoided those calls for three and a half years, you must show you can take the calls, you know, for the image of the Democrat party. And by the way Madame VP, you can bet your bottom dollar that Putin and Bibi will tear you to pieces!"
The VP grimaces.
'So Madame Vice President, are you ready?"

Sunday, January 14, 2024

My Firsthand Account of the Origins of Extremist Chabad Messianism, by Shoshanna Silcove

I'm a witness to the Meshichistin movement from its inception as I was in Crown Heights at the time. I vividly recall in the early 1990's a Rebbetzin from Machon Chana exclaiming excitedly how several men got up in 770 and declared their group as 'the Meshichistin'. They asserted that these people who believed we need to scream the Yechi chant ( Long live our Rebbe the King Messiah forever and ever!) ad nauseum and, tell the whole world the Rebbe is King Moshiach, are the only ones bringing Moshiach. Everyone who did not go along with them, in their view, was holding up Moshiach from coming, and fighting against the Rebbe. By labelling themselves "The Meshichists" and, by insisting they were the only true Chassidim, they caused intense deep divisions that cut across not only institutions but also among individuals and families.

The Meshichists immediately began their intimidating and bullying of anyone who questioned their fanaticism. Soon Crown Heights was bedecked with their yellow paraphanelia everywhere. They dominated 770 where, after the Rebbe’s passing on Gimmel Tammuz in 1994, they acted as if the Rebbe was still there in the flesh. They would pretend the Rebbe was walking to his red chair in front of shule and was giving out dollars, etc. And there was their violent thuggery too.
My husband was a worker at the Merkos bookstore across from 770 on Eastern Parkway. One day he came to work to find the Meshichistin had stolen the store. They took the computers and hundreds of books, and opened up the Moshiach bookstore a few blocks away on Kingston Ave. My husband was then promoted to manager of the authentic Merkos under Rabbi Yudel Krinsky. The Meshichists claimed that the establishment who owned Merkos, called Agudas Chassidei Chabad ( or Aguch), headed by Rabbi Yudel Krinsky, was illegitimate, even though the Rebbe appointed Aguch owners of both Merkos and 770. The Meshichists split many institutions in Crown Heights in the same way they split Merkos. Soon there were two Machon Chana schools and other institutions too.
They had a core of violent thugs who beat fellow Chassidim who tried to oppose them to the point of hospitalisation. I personally knew of a friend of ours who published a pamphlet of the Rambam's Laws of the Messiah, a work the Rebbe told us to learn. For this my friend had his car completely destroyed by Meshichists, as a warning to him not to publish anything further that opposed their cultish ideas. This intimidation through smear campaigns and violence sent a strong message to anyone who dared oppose them, intimidating even the establishment mentors and Rabbis into silent acquiescence. This is how they were able to control 770 and much of Crown Heights.
This is the background of the present cabal of young men who recently vandalised 770. These young men were indoctrinated by their Meshichist mentors and Rabbis into this extremist anti-social mind set. This is the second generation of Meshichists whose origins are in the 1990's. It is highly doubtful they can be transformed out of their fanaticism and criminality. Now they have committed the worst Chillul Lubavitch and Chillul Hashem in Chabad history! Gevald, gevald, how our holy Rebbe and all the Rebbeim must be crying in Heaven at these fools' despicable actions and at the desecration of our holy shule!

Monday, October 30, 2023

My Loyalties are to The Holy Land, by Shoshanna Silcove

  My first loyalties are to Hashem, the Rebbe, the Holy Land and the Jews, and not to a state modelled after non-Jewish ideals and forms of government, not to a state that does not even include all of the Holy Land. This in no way implies I am not supportive of Israel's full and final victory. In fact, I feel many Israeli governments have not been strong enough in defense of the Holy Land, leading us to this horrifically weakened state.

The only true Jewish leaders are those with fear of Heaven and belief in Torah and mitzvos. Secular political leaders are not true Jewish leaders. They have political and military power, and they often do good and heroic things for Jews, but they are not true Jewish leaders we can fully trust.

All our trust and faith must be in leaders with a fear of Heaven, but foremost in Hashem, and we pray and ask Him to open the eyes of the politicians and generals who have tremendous responsibility and power in their hands, that they come to recognise Hashem and call out to Him for help and miracles. We pray that Hashem helps them to make the right decisions, and lead the Jews to full and final victory while protecting Jewish lives.
At this time of war I fully back Bibi and his Generals. May Hashem give them the moral courage needed to stand up to the nations' pressures against Israel's attaining a full and final victory. Hashem tells us what is moral. It is immoral to be concerned about the humanitarian suffering of one's enemies because, according to Torah, this puts our own soldiers in harm's way and causes more Israeli casualties. The moral war is the one fought quickly, without hesitation, to vanquish the enemy completely until they offer total surrender, and until that happens we have not won.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Jews Ask How Did This Attack Happen? by Shoshanna Silcove

Jews worldwide, especially in Israel, are reeling from the current horrors. The question begging for an answer is how could the sophisticated high tech Israeli security apparatus, including the army and intelligence agencies, have failed?

There are disturbing theories circulating that the Israeli government knew beforehand and allowed this heinous attack to occur. This theory presumes that the Globalists see this attack as a benefit to the Globalist Agenda, so the Israeli government, as their pawn, did the Globalist's bidding and allowed this attack to happen.

It is not difficult to accept that the Israeli government is not free of corruption. The clearest example of this corruption is how the Israeli government allowed itself to be a pawn to the tyrannical Globalist Covid Agenda. However, there is a gigantic leap between understanding all this to asserting that the Israeli government and intelligence agencies would collude in the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. This was not a military attack. Hamas's actions were a facsimile of the Nazis in their depravity, barbarity, and in how they targeted not only men, but helpless women, elderly and even children and babies. Like the Nazis, Hamas seeks to eradicate not just Israel, but every single Jew. It is highly improbable and doubtful that the Israeli government and intelligence agencies would allow such a heinous attack on its citizens to occur. Although the Israeli elites are not perfect angels, they are not like Hamas, they are not like Nazis.

On his recent radio program, Dennis Prager interviewed Michael Oren, former US Ambassador to Israel, who is now in a shelter in Jerusalem with his entire family. Dennis asked him, how could this have happened? Israelis are renowned for their superior security apparatus, what went wrong?

Michael Oren's explanation was something he called 'concepcion', meaning, a wrong attitude had developed within the Israeli elites. This was that Hamas had two heads, a terrorist head, and a sovereign head. The sovereign head was occupied with making sure the lights stayed on, the sewage worked etc. The Israeli elites believed that if they would work with the sovereign head of Hamas, then Hamas would not risk losing what they gained by making war. For instance he explained, Israel allowed 20,000 Gazans into Israel to work where they received wages and benefits not available in Gaza. The assumption was that Hamas would not want to give that up. Furthermore, Michael Oren explained that the Hamas officials understood this Israeli 'concepcion' and used it to manipulate the Israelis into a false sense of security by successfully hiding their true terrorist intentions and plans. In other words, the Hamas elites were able to lull the Israeli elites into a bit of a delusion. They gaslit the Israelis into believing that the Hamas terrorist head was not their dominant self, but alas, it was, and Israel was caught unawares with utterly tragic consequences.

Dennis Prager wisely pointed out, that while the Israelis are preoccupied with living productive peaceful lives, building families and communities, the Palestinians are preoccupied with destroying Israel. It is human nature for a peaceful, relatively prosperous, and constructive culture to become complacent, while a death culture on a permanent war footing never ceases plotting and scheming to destroy the enemy. Their society is obsessed with hateful propaganda and stockpiling weapons and so on, so it follows that that society will always have the advantage in a war.

In the weeks and months to come, after the dust settles, there will be many answers to these questions forthcoming. Some will be theoretical, others will be factual, and one will need to decide which is which. In the meantime, we need to foster unity as much as possible. This does not mean we have to agree on everything, but the finger pointing at fellow Jews, blaming them for helping along or allowing the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust, will not bring unity. There is no proof of this at all. Moreover, such accusations plays right into the hands of the anti Semites who are blaming the Jews for what Hamas did.

May Hashem comfort all the mourners, heal all the maimed, rescue all the hostages, protect all the soldiers, and Jews everywhere, and bring Moshiach now!

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Discernment in Choosing a Rav, by Shoshanna Silcove

 A Jew has the right to be discerning in which Rav they choose to go to for advice and decisions in Jewish law. The criteria for choosing a Rav, either individually or as a community, can be influenced by many various factors. Automatically, the tendency is to first value the depth and breadth of the Rav's Torah learning. Then there is the length and the type of his experience, his reputation, and his communication skills.   

Unfortunately, nepotism often  plays a role in how a community acquires its Rav. This should not be so, but it is a fact of life, and one need not look far to find examples of how people who may not be the most qualified or suitable are nevertheless appointed to prominent roles.

However, being all that as it may, there are other qualities that one could argue are even more important than all the qualities mentioned above. Does the Rav have good judgement? Does he have a good understanding of people and situations, a good intuition? Is he a wise person? Is he moral?
Also, is he a person who will go with the flow to fit in, who will bend to the prevailing social pressures to be popular, or does he have the courage to stand on principle no matter the cost? In today's world with social pressures from an increasingly authoritarian government and intrusive social media, a Rav of strong character will easily find himself at odds with public opinion. Will he have the courage to do what is right or cave in?
Lastly, maybe the most important quality is humility. Can he simply admit he was wrong, or that he made a mistake? Or is he too arrogant to admit it, refuse to change his mind, and will therefore double down? 
Any Rav who, during the covid hysteria, went along blindly with the mainstream lies and authoritarian government decrees without any critical analysis or discernment of his own, is a Rav who lacks good judgement, wisdom, and humility. An argument could be made that in the earlier days of 2020 there was not enough information yet, so one can be excused for believing the web of deceitful lies of the covid hysteria. However, by mid 2020 and onwards, anyone who was not too lazy and did some research instead of relying on hearsay and the mainstream news, and who had a modicum of intuition, good judgement, worldly experience, and intellectual curiosity, would have realised that something very fishy was going on. 
Moreover, there is one more quality that must be added to this list, and that is the quality of compassion, along with it's associated quality of empathy. Any Rav who could call for the persecution, even the murder of fellow human beings who were discerning enough to question and rebel against the authoritarian covid lies, who were brave enough to refuse the experimental untested genetic altering drug they pretended was a vaccine, is a Rav who lacks both compassion and empathy. To call a Jew who decided to use their own intellectual faculties to do the research to find out the truth and therefore refuse to get the unsafe jab a rodef is unconscionable.
Furthermore, to double down on this smearing of millions of fellow Jews, and to refuse to admit it was a grave mistake, and to not offer a full and sincere apology shows an arrogance of the highest measure.
Today, there are  verifiable reports of literally millions of vaccine injured people throughout the world. Athletes, the fittest among us in their prime, are having heart attacks and dying on the fields in larger numbers than ever before seen. Women are becoming infertile and having miscarriages in larger numbers than ever. Millions of people are maimed, and millions have died from this untested experimental genetic altering drug. This is an ongoing tragedy and no one can predict what effects this genetic alteration from this drug will have on future generations. 
The truth is coming out as more and more experts in related fields, organisations and politicians can no longer pretend this is not happening, and they are speaking out that this a crime against humanity, and one can only pray the criminals will be brought to justice one day.
This leaves us with a deeply moral question. How qualified is a candidate for community Rav if he is still to this day doubling down on his most terrible immoral declaration? Can such a Rav be trusted to have the wisdom, the humility, the compassion and empathy to  lead a community in Torah law?

Monday, January 23, 2023

The Globalist's Ideal Citizen, a thought by Shoshanna Silcove

 The Globalist elites ideal citizen in their new utopia is a non-binary, insect eating, mRNA vaccinated, microchipped, politically woke, childless person. If this person is not on the dole then they work from a home they do not own. They use only public transport, bicycles, or scooters, as they do not own an electric car reserved only for the elites. The ideal person in the Globalist woke utopia is keen to snitch on their neighbor. Offenses that warrant snitching to the government include questioning media narratives, surpassing carbon credits limits, breaking curfews, travelling beyond the permitted geographical radius, expressions of 'hate' speech as defined by government, or the ownership of forbidden items such as guns or gas stoves. If you doubt this description of the Globalist ideal for utopia is accurate then you have not been paying attention to the World Economic Forum.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

The Modern Day Judenrat Mentality, by Shoshanna Silcove

 Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it,” Winston Churchill

If I had a dollar for each time I was told it is grossly insensitive to compare the current worldwide authoritarian medical tyranny by governments to the Holocaust, I could buy a penthouse in Trump Tower. Invariably, this refusal to consider this historical comparison comes not from the gentiles, but from the Jews, and mostly from the descendants of Holocaust survivors. The psychology behind their aversion to this historical analysis is not a topic for this blog, suffice to say fear and denial of our current tragic state of affairs are at its root. 

There is absolutely nothing insensitive about learning the lessons of history, no matter how painful or jarring these lessons might be. On the contrary, we fail to learn them at our own peril because, today's politicians, drunk on power, have learned the lessons of the Holocaust very well, as they employ the same totalitarian methods through the COVID crisis that they manufactured. 

It is not surprising that politicians can be power hungry.  However, the absolute capitulation and submission of practically the entire worldwide Rabbinic establishment to the COVID medical tyranny has been nothing short of astoundingly disappointing, and at least to me, unexpected.  What is on display is nothing less than a modern version of the Judenrat mentality. 

The Judenrat, as most Jews know, was the administrative arm of the Nazis made up by Jews used to carry out their genocidal policies. The Judenrat were in essence Nazi collaborators who were instrumental in the destruction and murder of their own people. One can only speculate as to the motivations of these Judenrat members, as to whether they were self serving cowards or willing collaborators. Either way, the results speak for themselves, as the Judenrat became an efficient central tool of the Nazi's genocidal policy.

Since 2020, the vast majority of Rabbis throughout the entire world, have become efficient tools of the governments of their respective countries, by parroting the COVID propaganda and lies, and by promoting the experimental, unsafe, untested, gene editing medication. Many have become even more extreme than their governments in their zeal to enforce the COVID tyrannical restrictions and injections. These Rabbis have morphed into authoritarian enforcers, much like the Kapos of yesteryear. Seemingly they have completely internalised and identified with the government tyrants who they see as their masters, and are more than willing to carry out their policies no matter how absurd or harmful. Nothing seems to be too much for them to do in order to comply with their new masters. They have no issues with the closing down of the yeshivos, daycares, and shules, with banning minyanim even on the Yomim Amorim, and with the employ of gentile security guards to throw Jews out of shule. These Rabbis have no issues with setting up temporary mass injection clinics for their communities, or with the outright condemnation and ostracising of any Jews who may question or refuse to go along with all this. 

Here in Melbourne, Australia there has been nary a protest from Chabad Rabbis when their fellow Jews were terrorised by police in full riot gear on horseback during last year's High Holiday season. These Kapo Rabbis were absolutely fine with that. They are also completely fine with children in our community who got illnesses such as myocarditis, or with the Jewish death toll from the gene editing drugs, as the Rabbis are still promoting it. They are also completely fine with silencing and censoring of fellow Jews who dare to utter protestations against this tyranny.  I have firsthand information of some of the local Chabad Rabbis' utter callous cruelty towards individuals with whom they disagree, showing no regard for the mental or physical well being, even inflicting serious harm upon fellow Jews in order to keep them silent.

As if all this weren't repugnant enough, these Rabbis fall over themselves to publicly suck up to the tyrants with all kinds of photo ops. They can be seen all over the local Jewish media outlets and social media gleefully smiling with their new tyrannical masters, like little school boys getting a pat on the head for being obedient. It is enough to make one queasy.

All this begs the question, what monetary rewards may they be receiving for their unquestioning obedience? Claims and promises of large amounts of funding for communal organisations and institutions notwithstanding, how much of this is actually going to help ordinary Jews in the community on the ground? Where are the mechanisms to prevent misappropriation of funds? Where is the transparency?  It is non-existent.

We are taught to respect and even revere Rabbis. We really ought to, and I used to. However, Rabbis are human, and we cannot be foolish enough to blindly follow them without using our own moral compass to check if theirs is broken. They can spout all the halacha they like trying to bamboozle us into accepting that they are wiser, more religious, and better equipped than us to understand how their submission and capitulation to corrupt politicians is all holy and kosher, but all one has to do is use one's common sense, which is what I and others have done, and then one will smell one big, fat, giant rat. 

My inescapable conclusion is that for these Rabbis it is all about  their personal agendas. Some of them may have rationalised their actions by telling themselves that this path is best in the long run for the community. If so they are perhaps fooling themselves. I don't know what goes on in their minds, nor will I go there. From my perspective they are self serving, dishonest, and destructive. I want so much to trust these Rabbis and give them the benefit of the doubt, however they make it impossible to do so when the damage of the COVID tyranny becomes more apparent with each passing day, and yet none of them express an iota of regret or remorse.

There is no such thing as having no choice. We all have free choice. And there is always a price to be paid for our choices, as life is full of trade-offs. These Rabbis could have chosen to keep the schools and shules open. They could have chosen not to censor, condemn, and abuse fellow Jews. They could have chosen to protest when fellow Jews were terrorised by riot police. They could have chosen to not promote the unsafe, untested, experimental gene editing drug.  And they could have chosen to use their intelligence to actually research the medical facts instead of perpetuating the government lies and propaganda. Perhaps, had they done any of this, they would have faced consequences such as heavy fines, cutting off of government funding, the closing down of schools or shules, or even being jailed. Nevertheless, these would have been the moral and brave choices. Such moral choices would have surely protected scores of their fellow Jews from the medical harm, would have prevented the damage to our community's children's education and development, and saved Jewish lives. Such moral choices would have also kept these Rabbis from eroding the trust people have in the Rabbinic establishment.  As it stands now, even if they suddenly wake up from their brainwashed stupor, or show remorse, it will be too little too late, as they will surely be judged by history, and it won't be a pretty tale.

There are stories of moral courage and bravery of Jews during the Holocaust who kept their moral compass intact. When Bella Jacubowicz Tovey's father, was approached by the German head of the Jewish ghetto offering him to save his family by joining the Judenrat, he answered he would not and said this:

"I am a religious Jew... I will not be His ( meaning G-d's) angel of death, "  from Bella Jacubowicz Tovey's testimony (to see video of her testimony, cut and paste this into your browser:

We are the victims of a modern day Judenrat mentality. There is nothing new under the sun.

Monday, November 14, 2022

The Premier Came to Town and All We Got Was a Lousy Kitchen, by Shoshanna Silcove

 "It's a big club, and you ain't in it," George Carlin, American comedian

The official from Chabad Youth sent out a video this past Friday Nov. 11 to the local Lubavitch community informing us that an unidentified minister from the government was coming to the shule before Shabbes. He was cryptic, claiming he had no idea which minister was coming, and unless you were born yesterday, which I wasn't, this was clearly an apparent blatant lie. As we all now know, it was none other than our tyrannical anti-Semitic Premier Dan Andrews whose visit this Chabad official was eagerly anticipating.  He surely knew which minister was coming.  In a condescending tone, like a schoolmarm warning her students to behave on their excursion, this Chabad official implored us to behave for the important man. He promised us this visit would be good for not only the entire Jewish community, but for its future generations as well. 

As it turned out, a photo of the Premier with a couple of Labor apparatchiks and this Chabad official along with a Rabbi from a local shule went viral among the community. There they were with wide grins like Cheshire cats standing in front of the shule building. It was the Premier, a couple of his Labor lackeys, a local Jewish labor MP, the Chabad official who sent out the cryptic video, and his mate, a non-Chabad Rabbi of sorts from another shule. All chummy mates in a club of which the rest of us are not members.

In case you are living under a rock and don't know it yet, this meeting went viral and a clip of it was shown on Sky News yesterday. Apparently, the entire fiasco was a public relations disaster for all the parties in that photo, as in a room with barely twenty five people, the Premier was challenged. In his usual  droning monotone the Premier was doing his best vote buying speech when Leon Kofmansky, a local Chabad member in good standing, spoke out. It's all on video on youtube Jewish Truther here so  watch it if you haven't seen it. Suffice to say the Premier came off looking very bad, with a deer in the headlights look, he was caught totally off guard. 

Mr. Kofmansky, who happens to be a United Australia Party candidate for the  Southern Metro Region Upper House, was promptly forcibly removed by security. This alone is a total disgrace. By what rights do these fellow Jewish community members have to throw a fellow Jew out of an open community meeting in a shule for merely speaking his mind? Just who do these people think they are? Apparently they fancy themselves as little communal potentates who think they have the right to censor and abuse fellow Jews.

Furthermore, the entire meeting was concerning the distribution of government funds, and this particular entity was promised $150,000 for a new kitchen for one of the bigger Chabad shules, and an astronomical amount of $400,000 was allocated for a Chanuka party to the Rabbi of sorts whose sister happens to be married to a long time Labor apparatchik and is running as a Teal candidiate for Caulfield (connect the Labor party network dots). What kind of Chanuka party costs $400,00, govt waste anyone? This begs the glaring question, how is a new kitchen in that shule or an extravagant amount for a Chanuka party of such great benefit to the entire Jewish community and its future generations as the Chabad official claimed in his video message to us? And why does this small closed chummy club of Labor party apparatchiks and local school officials get to make these decisions for the entire community? Isn't this taxpayer money? Isn't this our hard earned money? Why do they treat it like it's theirs to decide where it should be allocated?  Is this a private or community enterprise? Perhaps the community members have other uses for that $150,000 or that $400,000 that are far more pressing, but why are we never asked? 

Look at this club and who was in that photo op. As mentioned above, the Rabbi of sorts in the photo op has a sister who is the Teal candidate for Caulfield and is married to a long time Labor party apparatchik. The local Labor MP for Macnamara (Andrews's token Jew for the area), the Chabad official, and a couple of other of Andrews's lackeys he brought along. These people pretend to represent the best interests of our community however they do not represent anyone except themselves and their own narrow selfish interests. Where is the transparency? How is it that the community is never privy to know what funds are being spent? What mechanisms are in place to ensure no shenanigans go on and no funds get misallocated into private pockets? There are none. And how does the decision making process work? Who makes these decisions on behalf of the entire community and why do these folks make them? We are kept in the dark. A small cabal of Labor party apparatchiks and their lackeys including some Rabbis who claim to represent the entire Jewish community of Melbourne have taken it upon themselves to keep us in the dark, setting themselves up as the potentates of Jewish Melbourne while the rest of us are treated as the plebs.

I for one am tired of the gaslighting, as I am sure many others are too. This community is not some private club of Rabbis, their favorite politicians and lackeys. This is a large community blessed with a diverse population of Jews with many abilities, skills, and talents to bring to the table. But none of this is ever tapped into, the community is never consulted or regarded in any manner as having any say whatsoever. This community has many pressing needs, and is disintegrating in ways that are impacting negatively on peoples' day to day lives, and a gaslighting self serving cabal, a new kitchen and, a $400,000  Chanuka party are not what we need to help us.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Lies and Rabbis, Some Erev Rosh Hashana Thoughts--- by Shoshanna Silcove

 Hashem, please stop the gaslighting. Please let my fellow Jews who are being gaslight about the following lies realise the truth. The following lies are all absolutely verifiable as lies::

The first lie was that there would be a furiously tremendous destructive plague. That lie sparked worldwide panic.

The next lie was that we must go stop all of life's activities, stay home, distance ourselves from people etc, because otherwise there would be rampant death. It turned out the cessation of life's normal activities resulted in more deaths than the so-called plague.

The next lie was that the drug is a safe and effective cure, which turned out to be the biggest lie, as now it is clear that it is neither.

Along with these lies we were told that the people telling us these lies were altruistic, and that they were out for society's benefit and not for themselves.

Most Rabbis colluded with all these lies in an extreme manner, and added a religious layer to the lies by claiming that unquestioning acceptance, obedience and belief of these lies were what Hashem wanted and what Jewish law required.

This year I pray for EMES. I became religious for EMES. I am so weary of living in a society full of lies. I am so weary of being lied to by Jewish communal leaders.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Monarchy; Don't Throw Out the Baby with the Bathwater, by Shoshanna Silcove

The people who loathe the Royal family, especially those on the left or the woke, loathe what the Royals stand for. Specifically it is tradition and its timeless values along with a realistic view of history that they loathe and want to deny and abolish. Tradition is what the woke want to tear asunder so they can usher in their brave new utopian world vision, a vision that is, despite all protestations to the contrary, actually far more dehumanising, chaotic, immoral, oppressive, brutal, and authoritarian than its proponents realise or would like to admit.

The loathing of the Royals and the nitpicking and obsession with the flaws of its individual members undermines our ability to understand the role and value of the monarchy. The Royal family, despite any of its  particular individuals' failings, stands as a symbol. This symbol is one that is desperately needed in today's modern world of societies floating adrift without anchors to the hallowed values and wisdom of the many centuries past. The monarchy reminds us that not everything old should be discarded or devalued. The monarchy remind us that the civilisation we benefit from did not just appear in the last two minutes, but is a culmination of many generations of people, nations, and cultures. 

Moreover, the modern monarchy, on balance, is more of a force for good than the opposite.  There are many virtues it symbolises and teaches us and that we can learn from.

The Queen Elizabeth II was a uniter, not a divider. Nary a person can actually recall the Queen publicly expressing a stance or opinion on any political  matters over her long seventy year reign. She met with scores of the politically connected, and surely discussed a range of matters with them, however, she rose above politics and connected with everyone on a human level. The Queen was the ultimate influencer.

The Queen never dressed or behaved in an immodest manner. Always dignified, elegant, yet not stuffy or stiff, she stood as an excellent example of modest womanhood. Her modesty did not detract from her powerful presence or influence, in fact it enhanced it, as it garnered respect for her as a person of worth. She stood as a much needed reminder of the long lost time honoured tradition of what it means to be a 'lady'. 

The Prime Ministers were all compelled to meet with and report regularly to the Queen and will now do the same with King Charles III. Knowing they have to be answerable on some level to the monarchy serves a a mechanism to keep Prime Ministers from roaming too far off the reservation, to keep in line, as they are not just answerable to themselves but to the monarchy, which represents the nation.  Imagine if we in the Western democracies had leaders that were reminded that they are answerable to the nation, its history and culture, as it appears they feel they are answerable to no one.

The monarchy as a whole contributes enormously to charities. In fact, charity work is what the Royal family members spend most of their working time on, supporting literally thousands of worthy causes that would crumble without their support. Furthermore, while the Royals live in lavish luxury, the financial windfall to Britain from the tourism dollars the monarchy brings in far outweighs their expenses. 

Moreover, the monarchy brings a great sense of national pride and patriotism to the nation, qualities that counteract the scourge of Globalism which seeks to eradicate all nationalisms to be replaced with their communistic internationalist vision.

Last but not least, let's not forget the tremendous revenue the Royal family earns for the media and the tabloids.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

My Reply to someone who claims the Rabbis of Melbourne, Australia, had no choice but to be totally compliant

When the Yeshiva Centre first announced locking down, they cited that they had done so on medical advice. One of those was a former cosmetic doctor, called the Tik Tok doctor, Dr Daniel Aronov, who was a big charlatan, making millions of dollars by posting immodest videos on tik tok of all the ladies whose body parts he touched on video. He has since lost his license due to being a charlatan.  (see here  This is the calibre of medical advice our esteemed Rabbis and Askanim depend on. How pathetic!

These local GP's, as most GP's,  know nothing about infectious diseases and this vaccine. They simply follow the bidding of the Big Pharma companies and give out shots. The medical advice I and others sought was to research the biggest minds, including Nobel Prize winners,  in fields such as epidemiology, virology, infectious diseases, and vaccines etc in the world. All this information and scientific proof was widely available online. If I could research it, why couldn't our Rabbis have done so too? It did not take a rocket scientist to work out that the government was spreading propaganda and lies through fear and hysteria. Instead the Rabbis themselves became fearfully hysterical and spread that hysteria to the community as well.

All the time of covid not a single word of positivity or encouragement came from them. All we ever got was fear, fear, and fear and, parroting of government propaganda and lies. In fact, they were such shills of the government that there is a photo of  a large group of Rabbis , mostly Chabad, eating donuts on Chanukah with Dan Andrews. They behaved like such submissive puppets of the tyrannical corrupt government.

The shules and schools should never have been closed. Imagine what the Rebbe would say? He did not even approve of closing the yeshivas on snow days in NY. But for these Rabbis, it was  not even enough to follow government restrictions, as they went even beyond, and kept institutions closed even when the government did not require it, and called for even stricter restrictions than the government imposed. 

The other non-Lubavitch Jews, Adass and Satmar in Melbourne, did resist. They were willing to risk getting fined. They weren't afraid of fines, and in the end hardly anyone paid any of the covid fines, in fact they could only collect about 5% of them Australia wide. The non-Lubavitch Rabbis found loopholes in the government restrictions to use to help their communities to go on with their lives behind the back of the government, and our Rabbis condemned them for it. Several of our Rabbis even went to the media and condemned their fellow Jews for breaking government rules, and in my mind that is akin to being an informer to the Stalinists in 1930's Russia.  In fact, our Rabbis were also instructing people to commit mesira on other Jews who broke the rules

The Rabbis and officials were completely panicked the entire time. All they ever did was spread panic and hysteria. We heard very little if anything in terms of hope, encouragement, positivity, or empowerment. We were meant to see the 'new normal' as some sort of holy avoda.

In light of all these events, which some would like to pretend never happened, how can we now trust that these so-called communal officials have our best interest at heart? How have they shown to be in the corner of their fellow Jews? Or are they only interested in keeping their jobs and keeping the government funding gravy train going? What do you think?

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Rabbinic Help is Needed, by Shoshanna Silcove

  There are a few authentic inspirational, sincere Rabbis but, they are really a minority. In general it's a career, not a calling for them, a boys' club, a network of 'I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine'. They are adept and skilled at persuading enough people to support them in order to stay in business through donations and shule salaries etc. This is not that difficult to do, because the average Jew has so little actual Torah education compared to these  Rabbis. Therefore, the layperson is often easy to impress, or bamboozle.

The Rabbis in general are obsessed with public relations. I was legally threatened by a Rabbi during the gay marriage referendum. I was writing my disgust that only maybe 1 or 2 out of all the Rabbis stood up for Torah principles regarding gay marriage. One Rabbi in particular, one who was extremely vocal about being pro-gay rights, actually got his lawyer to send me a letter threatening me with defamation. The Rabbi was ready to take me to a civil court for merely expressing my opposition to his very public and un-kosher opinions. I was the one actually standing for emes and Jewish law, while he was the one betraying Torah. I stood up for Hashem, while this prominent Rabbi was concerned only about about his image, trying to be popular with the more secular crowd by pandering to the politically correct pro gay rights media. I wish I could say this Rabbi is the exception, that most of them are authentically and selflessly out there fighting for Jews, Torah, the Rebbe, and Hashem, but sadly that is not the case at all.

After two years since covid, watching how they became shills of the government, bowing and scraping to tyrants like Andrews etc, it is obvious that if these guys were living in Russia in 1930 they would have become good little communist informers for Stalin.

It is starkly apparent that the majority of them cannot be relied upon or trusted to have our backs. Their silence is deafening in the face of the horrific damage inflicted on our communities from the corrupt medical tyranny. Not even the specter of horrific health issues, infertility, or even the death of young Jews including children, seems to be enough to motivate them to spur into any action to help their fellow Jews. For them their government funding, jobs for the boys, and public relations trump all of that.

What is outrageous is that along with all this, they gaslight the community with distortions of halacha to justify their collusion with the corrupt government, repeating all the government lies and propaganda, taking all of us for fools. Maybe they are fooling themselves but, if they think they are fooling everyone, or that they are fooling Hashem, then they are the fools!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

My Personal Gimmel Tammuz Memories and Experiences, by Shoshanna Silcove

Thursday, May 12, 1994
Lubavitch World Headquarters
Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York

About a dozen of us gathered around a large table in the classroom of the seminary that catered to adult women who had returned to their Jewish roots. This was a class for returnees to Judaism who had journeyed from secularism to Torah observance.  Most of us were now married and well established members in good standing in the religious community. The Rabbi sat patiently at the head of the table and waited for us to settle into our seats so he could begin his lecture.

Suddenly, a late comer arrived looking distressed and frazzled. It was Naomi (not her real name), one of the pillars of the community. All eyes were on her as she noisily clamored to drop her handbag and sit down. Everyone noticed she had been crying.

" I just got off the hotline," Naomi announced loudly to no one in particular, and without taking a breathe she continued, "and I am so worried. The Rebbe's condition is worsening...what if, what if...G-d forbid....", gasping for air her voice trailed off as she slumped with drooping shoulders into her chair. 

These were the days before the internet and mobile phones. The hotline was a telephone number with recorded updates of the Rebbe's health status. It was set up shortly after the Rebbe's stroke almost two years prior. It was available for anyone to call anytime 24/6 for free and listen to the Rebbe's aides give over a short report of the Rebbe's current medical condition. 

From the day the Rebbe's stroke silenced him, it was as if time had stopped for his Chassidim. Our entire life's focus centred on our Rebbe's health condition. We all increased and intensified our efforts in our religious observances and, in carrying out the Rebbe's projects in the hopes that in the merit of our holy work G-d would heal the Rebbe. His health condition was never far from our thoughts, and no matter what was going on in our personal lives, our intent in our prayers and religious practice was that he should be healed. 

The Rebbe had imbued a Messianic fervor in us, and the feeling among Chassidim was that the decline in his health must be a temporary, albeit painful stage, that would soon be ushering in the Final Redemption. We told ourselves and each other that the only possible outcome to the Rebbe's illness would be the revelation of Moshiach, and we were certain it was imminent, or at least we acted like we were confident in that expectation. No one would dare utter a word about the alternative outcome, which was unthinkable for us then.

Nevertheless, it was getting harder to deny the Rebbe's health had greatly deteriorated to the point of him becoming incurable according to natural means. Only a miracle could save his physical life. We were living in denial of that fact but, also with a deep abiding devotion and faith in the Rebbe's leadership, his teachings, and in his holiness. None of us were prepared for what would happen a mere few weeks later on Gimmel Tamuz.

Naomi's fears were shared by us all, except she was the only one who had the temerity to express them. As we all awkwardly squirmed and averted our gaze from each other to hide our anxiety, the Rabbi began to speak and said something that would be an epiphany for me. "No one should be worried about the Rebbe's health. Anyone who worries about the Rebbe's health is not truly a chosid. The Rebbe is not like a normal human being, he is the Leader of the Generation, a Tzadik (Righteous person), a prophet, and he is a godly being. While it may seem to our physical eyes that he is sick, this is not the reality at all. We are being fooled and deceived by unholy forces. We need to work on ourselves spiritually to come to a greater understanding and, then we will  know that what we are seeing is not an illness at all, but what we are seeing is that the Rebbe is actually transforming into becoming the Moshiach."

With the Rabbi's words, the other women's facial expressions suddenly changed  from worried to calm. Even Naomi, as distressed as she was, breathed a sigh of relief. However, I felt my anxiety level rise as my mind became preoccupied with a flurry of unspoken doubts and questions. 

The Rabbi's depiction of the Rebbe's condition confused me as none of it made any sense based on Torah. While up until now I had respected and admired this Rabbi's learning and Chassidic credentials, I felt as if I had just entered a cult. This went against everything I had been taught up until that point of what Chassidus teaches about what a Rebbe is. A Rebbe, to my understanding, is a human being, a special one, even one with supernatural mystical powers of prophecy and miracle making, but a human being of flesh and blood nonetheless. Nowhere in my studies had I learned differently, and it was at this point on that day that I realised that I could not be counted among those who held by this misguided strain of thinking that much of Lubavitch had embraced. The harsh reality was that the Rebbe was in extremely ill health, and no amount of wishful thinking or intellectual contortions and distortions of Chassidic concepts would change that fact.

All this deeply disturbed me, so I made an appointment with another learned and prominent Rabbi whom I perceived to be quite grounded in reality. We sat in his office on Eastern Parkway where I emotionally blurted out how perturbed I was by this cultish thinking. I told him that I felt that denying the Rebbe's illness was not only against Chassidic teachings, but also a denial of our Rebbe's great physical pain, and wasn't that uncompassionate? 

To my astonishment I found myself uttering the words that we were all thinking but dared not say,
 " Rabbi, what if the Rebbe passes away?" As soon as I heard these words leave my lips my tears flowed freely as if the dam broke. He waited for me to finish my crying spurt and a few moments more until he spoke.

"None of us want for the Rebbe to G-d forbid pass away. And we are praying everyday that the Rebbe has a complete and full recovery, as we also pray that Moshiach comes. However, we cannot pretend that this is not a possibility that the Rebbe could pass away before that happens. After all, the previous Rebbeim all passed away, and, as much as we hope and pray it doesn't happen, we must prepare ourselves with the possible eventuality that our Rebbe could also."

Finally, we were no longer ignoring the elephant in the room. Later on, after the Rebbe's passing, it would become clear to me how indebted and grateful I would be to this Rabbi for being authentic with me, for not pretending, and for preparing me for the great loss that we would all soon experience.  It was this Rabbi's honest and caring words that would put me in good stead to emotionally deal with the grief of Gimmel Tamuz. When it happened, I was not in  the same terrible  state of shock of those who were in denial and never imagined that it was possible that our Rebbe could pass away,

Gimmel Tammuz 1994
Motzei Shabbes
Early hours of the morning

It was the middle of the night and I was awakened by the phone. As I sleepily put the the receiver to my ear I heard my friend Mindy (not her real name) on the other end. She sounded strange, almost other worldly and trance like as she said, "Shoshanna, I want to ask you if I am hearing what I think I am hearing." She conferenced me into the Rebbe's health hotline and I heard a male voice saying, ' Baruch Dayan Emes'   and the Shema prayer repeatedly on a recorded loop. 

Immediately I knew what this meant and felt my eyes moisten. Mindy then conferenced us into a phone call with a respected Rebbetzin.  With all three of us on the phone we listened to the hotline recording. Mindy asked the Rebbetzin to tell us if we heard it correctly, if it was really saying what we thought it was saying but did not want to accept. "Yes, it is true," she said sadly, " the Rebbe's holy soul has left his holy body."  Mindy and I started to wail, 'No! No! Noooo!""

I woke my husband and told him the terrible news.  In his groggy state he told me that I must be mistaken, that it could not be true. I felt restless and I couldn't stay in my apartment any longer, so I threw on some clothes and ventured out into the streets of Crown Heights.

It must have been about two or three in the morning. The streets were starting to come alive with a few Chassidim gathering and meandering out of their homes as the news was just becoming known. I made my way in a daze down Kingston Avenue towards 770, the Rebbe's shule. A woman came towards me with a tambourine in her hand. She was smiling as she tried to hand me the tambourine which I refused. " Don't worry!" she cried out, 'the Rebbe will get up any minute now!" I remained unconvinced.

As I arrived at 770 I saw some young men singing and dancing in the street. Their faces beamed with joyous anticipation, as for them this event could only mean one thing-- that the Rebbe would appear as Moshiach momentarily. In my intense sorrow and grief I envied them.

I sat down on the steps of 770. It was a warm summer night and for some reason I could not bring myself to enter the Rebbe's shule. I opened a book of Psalms and cried and prayed. Weeks later I would discover that the press was there filming, and a snippet with me saying Psalms on the steps of 770 appeared on national television.  I had not even noticed the press there at the time.

Gimmel Tammuz
The day of the Rebbe's funeral

It was an extremely hot day. Crown Heights was quickly filling up with hundreds of people from all over New York and other places. The biggest concentration of crowds was around 770. Most people were crying bitterly, but some were singing and dancing. A group of young men were singing and dancing right in front of 770. One of the Rabbis of the Crown Heights Rabbinical Court  loudly admonished them for disrespecting the Rebbe by their inappropriate expressions of joy, but they ignored him and continued.

A line formed going towards the front room of 770 where the Rebbe's holy body wrapped in his tallis was placed. Around him were a minyan of grieving Rabbis, shirts torn, faces ashen, praying through their tears, candles burning. People stood in line awaiting their turn to stop at the doorway where they could see the Rebbe to either say goodbye, ask for forgiveness, or say whatever was in their hearts. When my turn came I was astonished to see how frail the Rebbe seemed under the tallis. Yet, wrapped in the tallis he appeared in my mind's eye like a glowing angel. Was this really my beloved Rebbe? Could it be that this was the greatest leader of world Jewry of the twentieth century lying still? It all seemed so surreal.

At the time my husband was manager of the Merkos book store across the street from 770. We decided instead of jostling with the crowd and getting pushed around in the heat, we would go up to the second floor of the Merkos offices and watch the funeral from the window. There we stood with our four year old son watching in disbelief as the Rebbe's coffin was being transported over the crowd. We followed the procession in our car to the Ohel where the Rebbe would be buried next to his father-in-law the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe. 

The displays and cries of grief at the Rebbe's burial were beyond description. " Stand Rebbe! Stand!," one chosid could be heard yelling, " this is your last chance!", he bellowed out just before the Rebbe's coffin was lowered into the ground.

I was embroiled in deep and astounding grief for a long time to come. Not that I had not endured losses in my life, unfortunately I had had several losses from a young age. Yet somehow this was different and far more profoundly felt. As I sat in 770 unable to control my tears, I could hear some other Chassidim happily chirping that the Rebbe was still alive, or that he was still actually really here physically, or that the Rebbe would be coming back any moment now, and that we must be joyous. These Jews were still in denial, and I found their resistance to the grieving process to be highly offensive.  Didn't the Rebbe deserve to be grieved? After all this great and righteous hero had given of himself to us, how could we disrespect him and go on merrily as if we did not feel the void of his loss in our lives? 

The aftermath of the Rebbe's passing were heady days indeed. As Chabad muddled its way through the grieving process and grappled with a new reality, there would be great divisions within our ranks. There would also be healing, and the Rebbe's holy work would live on and thrive.  It has been thirty years now since we have not had the merit to hear the Rebbe's words from his holy mouth, and twenty eight years since his passing. None of us could have ever imagined that it would take this long for the Moshiach to come. Nevertheless, we remain faithful Chassidim,  and as such we keep waiting and working to bring Moshiach when we will see our great and holy Rebbe once again. Ad Mosai!

Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Reality of the Current World Situation, by Shoshanna Silcove

 It's the Global Elites' Depopulation Agenda brought to us by Big Pharma, compromised and bribed World Governments, The World Economic Forum, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Chinese Communist Party, Climate Change Radicals, the mainstream media, WHO, FDA, Dr. Fauci et al, TGA, CDC, APHRA, Big Tech's social media companies and, the EU etc...all captured by Globalist corrupt control, all colluding and collaborating, each for their own power interests.

The goal is to reduce the population and introduce totalitarian control. Their tools are to institute and foment crisis and chaos through fear and divide and conquer using identity politics, political correctness and misinformation. Fear is fostered through pretending a bad seasonal flu is like the 1900's Spanish flu and, offering totalitarian solutions to crises the Globalists manufactured. This is accomplished by corrupting true science through capturing the regulatory agencies, and through censorship of scientific facts, and propaganda. The most potent tool is the dangerous deadly experimental drug that causes serious long term health issues, genetic changes, early death (SAADS) and infertility.

These powerful Global interests have overlapping ideological beliefs. They all believe the world is overpopulated, and that we must depopulate to stop Climate Change. They believe Capitalism is to blame. They see themselves as superior super-menchen that are destined to world domination and control of us little feeble minded people. This means curtailing individualism and replacing it with collectivism (communism) and taking away our human rights, using high tech, and especially bio technology, through control of World Health.

They are all anti- family, promoting homosexuality, transgenderism, abortion, infanticide, and male-hating feminism, all of which are meant to disempower individuals from depending on themselves and their families and, instead depending on the State. All these contribute to their DePopulation Agenda by lowering the birth rate.

All of the above is not conspiracy theory. Any Jew who studied even a bit of Torah knows there are power hungry forces throughout history that have conspired to pursue evil. Examples abound such as the stories in the Torah of of Purim, Pharoah, and Noah etc. History is replete with examples of evil conspiracies such as The Inquisition, Naziism, etc. The big difference now is this evil is on the most unprecedented grand worldwide scale. This is largely due to the mass media and the internet (Youtube, Facebook, Google) being controlled by these powerful Globlalist interests.

Yet, regardless of all this, we G-d fearing Jews know how all this ends. Hashem will show His Face soon. In the meantime, we must-- 1.wake up our fellow Jews to these evils 2. Fight through non compliance. Ad Mosai. , Shoshanna Silcove, Melbourne, Australia, June 24, 2022

Hallie Chaya Sarah Cantor, Gilina Gavrick and 3 others