Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Being Joyous in Turbulent Times, by Shoshanna Silcove

      I expect the societal and political world to continue to deteriorate. This has all been prophesied to occur just before Moshiach comes. The unholy elements, the bad guys, the corruption will continue to prevail over that which is good and holy, at least on the societal and political levels.

We have no control over these events as it is all in Hashem's hands. However, we do have control over how moral, good and holy we want to be. We do have control over the Torah and mitzvos we do.

To stay inspired, and to keep from getting dejected from all the bad news, we can look at the goodness of the people around us, the ordinary people who do good and want to be good. Also, it is crucial in such turbulent times to connect with Hashem more intensely, specifically by focusing on davening, because if davening is absent or by rote only, then one's Torah and mitzvos become dry and uninspiring, and the connection to Hashem weakens. It follows the reverse is also true.

My teacher and guide Rabbi Manis Friedman is an example for me of this approach, as he is fully awake to the corruption yet not dragged down by it, and this is his formula of how to stay joyous and inspired that I am passing on.