Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Results from The Melbourne Jewish Women's Show!

Rabbi Bondar just told me a couple showed up at his shule in Frankston cause they heard my radio show about the new Jewish community there. They are going to the Bondar's this Fri night. They are new here in Australia from Colombia. I am so happy!

Blaming BT's for Mesirah

                Regarding blaming BT’s for being the more likely ones to do mesirah (here): I find that ludicrous because my experience has been that most BT’s are the biggest cult followers of the establishment. For various psychological reasons, most of the BT’s want so much to fit in that they will do everything they can to ingratiate themselves to the establishment. Most of the BT’s I have known want very much to believe their fantasies and dreams that these FFB ‘leaders’ are holy people, extensions of the Rebbe who can do no wrong, and will follow them unquestionably. It has always been a bewildering phenomena to watch people who in their previous lives were some of the most fervernt iconoclastic rebels now transformed into the staunchest conformists. It is as if they have lost all their critical thinking faculties. And I am saying this as a BT.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Golden Rule is Basic Halacha

A Quick Thought:
Chabad is full of wonderful emesdike people who reflect the Rebbe’s teachings. Nonetheless, when certain Chabadniks hold blatant double standards and are starkly hypocritical, it makes people become disillusioned with Chabad in general. I left the secular world because I was running away from sheker and wanted emes. It is disheartening when the communal ‘pillars’ display an insensitivity for basic honesty and decency, the golden rule that my secular parents raised me with. Is this the moral education we want to emulate for our children? Is our legacy to the next generation one that teaches that halacha is used selectively to push one’s agenda? No wonder so many of our youth are going off the derech! G-d help!