Jews worldwide, especially in Israel, are reeling from the current horrors. The question begging for an answer is how could the sophisticated high tech Israeli security apparatus, including the army and intelligence agencies, have failed?
There are disturbing theories circulating that the Israeli government knew beforehand and allowed this heinous attack to occur. This theory presumes that the Globalists see this attack as a benefit to the Globalist Agenda, so the Israeli government, as their pawn, did the Globalist's bidding and allowed this attack to happen.
It is not difficult to accept that the Israeli government is not free of corruption. The clearest example of this corruption is how the Israeli government allowed itself to be a pawn to the tyrannical Globalist Covid Agenda. However, there is a gigantic leap between understanding all this to asserting that the Israeli government and intelligence agencies would collude in the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. This was not a military attack. Hamas's actions were a facsimile of the Nazis in their depravity, barbarity, and in how they targeted not only men, but helpless women, elderly and even children and babies. Like the Nazis, Hamas seeks to eradicate not just Israel, but every single Jew. It is highly improbable and doubtful that the Israeli government and intelligence agencies would allow such a heinous attack on its citizens to occur. Although the Israeli elites are not perfect angels, they are not like Hamas, they are not like Nazis.
On his recent radio program, Dennis Prager interviewed Michael Oren, former US Ambassador to Israel, who is now in a shelter in Jerusalem with his entire family. Dennis asked him, how could this have happened? Israelis are renowned for their superior security apparatus, what went wrong?
Michael Oren's explanation was something he called 'concepcion', meaning, a wrong attitude had developed within the Israeli elites. This was that Hamas had two heads, a terrorist head, and a sovereign head. The sovereign head was occupied with making sure the lights stayed on, the sewage worked etc. The Israeli elites believed that if they would work with the sovereign head of Hamas, then Hamas would not risk losing what they gained by making war. For instance he explained, Israel allowed 20,000 Gazans into Israel to work where they received wages and benefits not available in Gaza. The assumption was that Hamas would not want to give that up. Furthermore, Michael Oren explained that the Hamas officials understood this Israeli 'concepcion' and used it to manipulate the Israelis into a false sense of security by successfully hiding their true terrorist intentions and plans. In other words, the Hamas elites were able to lull the Israeli elites into a bit of a delusion. They gaslit the Israelis into believing that the Hamas terrorist head was not their dominant self, but alas, it was, and Israel was caught unawares with utterly tragic consequences.
Dennis Prager wisely pointed out, that while the Israelis are preoccupied with living productive peaceful lives, building families and communities, the Palestinians are preoccupied with destroying Israel. It is human nature for a peaceful, relatively prosperous, and constructive culture to become complacent, while a death culture on a permanent war footing never ceases plotting and scheming to destroy the enemy. Their society is obsessed with hateful propaganda and stockpiling weapons and so on, so it follows that that society will always have the advantage in a war.
In the weeks and months to come, after the dust settles, there will be many answers to these questions forthcoming. Some will be theoretical, others will be factual, and one will need to decide which is which. In the meantime, we need to foster unity as much as possible. This does not mean we have to agree on everything, but the finger pointing at fellow Jews, blaming them for helping along or allowing the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust, will not bring unity. There is no proof of this at all. Moreover, such accusations plays right into the hands of the anti Semites who are blaming the Jews for what Hamas did.
May Hashem comfort all the mourners, heal all the maimed, rescue all the hostages, protect all the soldiers, and Jews everywhere, and bring Moshiach now!