The Globalist elites ideal citizen in their new utopia is a non-binary, insect eating, mRNA vaccinated, microchipped, politically woke, childless person. If this person is not on the dole then they work from a home they do not own. They use only public transport, bicycles, or scooters, as they do not own an electric car reserved only for the elites. The ideal person in the Globalist woke utopia is keen to snitch on their neighbor. Offenses that warrant snitching to the government include questioning media narratives, surpassing carbon credits limits, breaking curfews, travelling beyond the permitted geographical radius, expressions of 'hate' speech as defined by government, or the ownership of forbidden items such as guns or gas stoves. If you doubt this description of the Globalist ideal for utopia is accurate then you have not been paying attention to the World Economic Forum.