Hashem, please stop the gaslighting. Please let my fellow Jews who are being gaslight about the following lies realise the truth. The following lies are all absolutely verifiable as lies::
The first lie was that there would be a furiously tremendous destructive plague. That lie sparked worldwide panic.
The next lie was that we must go stop all of life's activities, stay home, distance ourselves from people etc, because otherwise there would be rampant death. It turned out the cessation of life's normal activities resulted in more deaths than the so-called plague.
The next lie was that the drug is a safe and effective cure, which turned out to be the biggest lie, as now it is clear that it is neither.
Along with these lies we were told that the people telling us these lies were altruistic, and that they were out for society's benefit and not for themselves.
Most Rabbis colluded with all these lies in an extreme manner, and added a religious layer to the lies by claiming that unquestioning acceptance, obedience and belief of these lies were what Hashem wanted and what Jewish law required.
This year I pray for EMES. I became religious for EMES. I am so weary of living in a society full of lies. I am so weary of being lied to by Jewish communal leaders.