Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Australia Used to Be a Nice Country, by Shoshanna Silcove

Australia was a very nice country while it lasted. In a matter of a few weeks our feckless, power hungry, ego maniacal, foolish, reckless, political leaders destroyed our rich capitalist system. Our civil liberties are being unraveled by the day. Australia is now well on its way to become a socialist country. We will all be much poorer and less free. A democratic capitalist govt has no right to disrupt our businesses and take away our private property rights. A democratic capitalist govt has no right to put us under surveillance and restrict our freedom of movement. These policies are only done by authoritarian dictatorships. And yet the majority of the Australian public, in a media driven stupor, and under the spell of mind control, is voluntarily marching down the path to their own subjugation.

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