Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Musings of a COVID19 Skeptic-Part 3, by Shoshanna Silcove

Isn't it interesting that so many men who were never seen at minyanim (except for Shabbes) in the pre-Corona days, are now lauding some of the Rabbis for having instructed people not to go to minyanim? It used to be that they felt a twinge of guilt for not going to minyanim. But now, after some of the Rabbis sent out the strongly implied message that minyanim are not compulsory, their guilt is minimised. Not only that, they can now virtue signal, all about how noble they are for staying home, that not going to minyanim is actually a virtuous thing. 

These men never heeded these Rabbis in the past about other issues regarding Torah and Mitzvot, and are now going around self righteously saying 'The Rabbonim said' to excuse their lack of observance of davening with minyanim in the past until now, and to make themselves feel and look very virtuous. 

Furthermore, some of the Rabbonim neglected to explain just how crucial davening with minyanim is to Chassidim, and even went so far as to tell people to call the police and report anyone davening with a minyan. And at that time when some of the Rabbonim instructed people to moser on their fellow Jews for davening with a minyan, those minyanim were actually legal. Where are our Chassidisha hashkofos? Why aren't Rabbonim giving out the message, that even with this Corona situation, that davening with minyanim is chiyuv? Is all this Torah based or based on virtue signaling and their obsession to  get approval from the goyish government? None of this is based on the correct Chassidisha hashkofos in my opinion (am I allowed to have an opinion?). Their motives seem to be ulterior and not leshem shamayim.

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