Sunday, November 20, 2022

The Modern Day Judenrat Mentality, by Shoshanna Silcove

 Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it,” Winston Churchill

If I had a dollar for each time I was told it is grossly insensitive to compare the current worldwide authoritarian medical tyranny by governments to the Holocaust, I could buy a penthouse in Trump Tower. Invariably, this refusal to consider this historical comparison comes not from the gentiles, but from the Jews, and mostly from the descendants of Holocaust survivors. The psychology behind their aversion to this historical analysis is not a topic for this blog, suffice to say fear and denial of our current tragic state of affairs are at its root. 

There is absolutely nothing insensitive about learning the lessons of history, no matter how painful or jarring these lessons might be. On the contrary, we fail to learn them at our own peril because, today's politicians, drunk on power, have learned the lessons of the Holocaust very well, as they employ the same totalitarian methods through the COVID crisis that they manufactured. 

It is not surprising that politicians can be power hungry.  However, the absolute capitulation and submission of practically the entire worldwide Rabbinic establishment to the COVID medical tyranny has been nothing short of astoundingly disappointing, and at least to me, unexpected.  What is on display is nothing less than a modern version of the Judenrat mentality. 

The Judenrat, as most Jews know, was the administrative arm of the Nazis made up by Jews used to carry out their genocidal policies. The Judenrat were in essence Nazi collaborators who were instrumental in the destruction and murder of their own people. One can only speculate as to the motivations of these Judenrat members, as to whether they were self serving cowards or willing collaborators. Either way, the results speak for themselves, as the Judenrat became an efficient central tool of the Nazi's genocidal policy.

Since 2020, the vast majority of Rabbis throughout the entire world, have become efficient tools of the governments of their respective countries, by parroting the COVID propaganda and lies, and by promoting the experimental, unsafe, untested, gene editing medication. Many have become even more extreme than their governments in their zeal to enforce the COVID tyrannical restrictions and injections. These Rabbis have morphed into authoritarian enforcers, much like the Kapos of yesteryear. Seemingly they have completely internalised and identified with the government tyrants who they see as their masters, and are more than willing to carry out their policies no matter how absurd or harmful. Nothing seems to be too much for them to do in order to comply with their new masters. They have no issues with the closing down of the yeshivos, daycares, and shules, with banning minyanim even on the Yomim Amorim, and with the employ of gentile security guards to throw Jews out of shule. These Rabbis have no issues with setting up temporary mass injection clinics for their communities, or with the outright condemnation and ostracising of any Jews who may question or refuse to go along with all this. 

Here in Melbourne, Australia there has been nary a protest from Chabad Rabbis when their fellow Jews were terrorised by police in full riot gear on horseback during last year's High Holiday season. These Kapo Rabbis were absolutely fine with that. They are also completely fine with children in our community who got illnesses such as myocarditis, or with the Jewish death toll from the gene editing drugs, as the Rabbis are still promoting it. They are also completely fine with silencing and censoring of fellow Jews who dare to utter protestations against this tyranny.  I have firsthand information of some of the local Chabad Rabbis' utter callous cruelty towards individuals with whom they disagree, showing no regard for the mental or physical well being, even inflicting serious harm upon fellow Jews in order to keep them silent.

As if all this weren't repugnant enough, these Rabbis fall over themselves to publicly suck up to the tyrants with all kinds of photo ops. They can be seen all over the local Jewish media outlets and social media gleefully smiling with their new tyrannical masters, like little school boys getting a pat on the head for being obedient. It is enough to make one queasy.

All this begs the question, what monetary rewards may they be receiving for their unquestioning obedience? Claims and promises of large amounts of funding for communal organisations and institutions notwithstanding, how much of this is actually going to help ordinary Jews in the community on the ground? Where are the mechanisms to prevent misappropriation of funds? Where is the transparency?  It is non-existent.

We are taught to respect and even revere Rabbis. We really ought to, and I used to. However, Rabbis are human, and we cannot be foolish enough to blindly follow them without using our own moral compass to check if theirs is broken. They can spout all the halacha they like trying to bamboozle us into accepting that they are wiser, more religious, and better equipped than us to understand how their submission and capitulation to corrupt politicians is all holy and kosher, but all one has to do is use one's common sense, which is what I and others have done, and then one will smell one big, fat, giant rat. 

My inescapable conclusion is that for these Rabbis it is all about  their personal agendas. Some of them may have rationalised their actions by telling themselves that this path is best in the long run for the community. If so they are perhaps fooling themselves. I don't know what goes on in their minds, nor will I go there. From my perspective they are self serving, dishonest, and destructive. I want so much to trust these Rabbis and give them the benefit of the doubt, however they make it impossible to do so when the damage of the COVID tyranny becomes more apparent with each passing day, and yet none of them express an iota of regret or remorse.

There is no such thing as having no choice. We all have free choice. And there is always a price to be paid for our choices, as life is full of trade-offs. These Rabbis could have chosen to keep the schools and shules open. They could have chosen not to censor, condemn, and abuse fellow Jews. They could have chosen to protest when fellow Jews were terrorised by riot police. They could have chosen to not promote the unsafe, untested, experimental gene editing drug.  And they could have chosen to use their intelligence to actually research the medical facts instead of perpetuating the government lies and propaganda. Perhaps, had they done any of this, they would have faced consequences such as heavy fines, cutting off of government funding, the closing down of schools or shules, or even being jailed. Nevertheless, these would have been the moral and brave choices. Such moral choices would have surely protected scores of their fellow Jews from the medical harm, would have prevented the damage to our community's children's education and development, and saved Jewish lives. Such moral choices would have also kept these Rabbis from eroding the trust people have in the Rabbinic establishment.  As it stands now, even if they suddenly wake up from their brainwashed stupor, or show remorse, it will be too little too late, as they will surely be judged by history, and it won't be a pretty tale.

There are stories of moral courage and bravery of Jews during the Holocaust who kept their moral compass intact. When Bella Jacubowicz Tovey's father, was approached by the German head of the Jewish ghetto offering him to save his family by joining the Judenrat, he answered he would not and said this:

"I am a religious Jew... I will not be His ( meaning G-d's) angel of death, "  from Bella Jacubowicz Tovey's testimony (to see video of her testimony, cut and paste this into your browser:

We are the victims of a modern day Judenrat mentality. There is nothing new under the sun.

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